Articles of Faith

The Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and is the basis for any statement of faith. The church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of "The Baptist Faith and Message" as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1963. We band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind. The ordinances of the Church are Baptism and The Lord's Supper.

Friday, November 26, 2010

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might."—Ecclesiastes 9:10.
HATSOEVER thy hand findeth to do," refers to works that are possible. There are many things which our heart findeth to do which we never shall do. It is well it is in our heart; but if we would be eminently useful, we must not be content with forming schemes in our heart, and talking of them; we must practically carry out "whatsoever our hand findeth to do." One good deed is more worth than a thousand brilliant theories. Let us not wait for large opportunities, or for a different kind of work, but do just the things we "find to do" day by day. We have no other time in which to live. The past is gone; the future has not arrived; we never shall have any time but time present. Then do not wait until your experience has ripened into maturity before you attempt to serve God. Endeavour now to bring forth fruit. Serve God now, but be careful as to the way in which you perform what you find to do—"do it with thy might." Do it promptly; do not fritter away your life in thinking of what you intend to do to-morrow as if that could recompense for the idleness of to-day. No man ever served God by doing things to-morrow. If we honour Christ and are blessed, it is by the things which we do to-day. Whatever you do for Christ throw your whole soul into it. Do not give Christ a little slurred labour, done as a matter of course now and then; but when you do serve Him, do it with heart, and soul, and strength. But where is the might of a Christian? It is not in himself, for he is perfect weakness. His might lieth in the Lord of Hosts. Then let us seek His help; let us proceed with prayer and faith, and when we have done what our "hand findeth to do," let us wait upon the Lord for His blessing. What we do thus will be well done, and will not fail in its effect.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Jesus is NOT looking for fans…He’s looking for followers.
Followers who understand that…

There is no forgiveness without repentance.
There is no salvation without surrender.
There is no life without death.
There is no believing without following.

Twenty times in the New Testament, Jesus Christ issued a compelling and challenging invitation: “Follow Me.” Jesus is not interested in mere fans. He doesn't want enthusiastic admirers. He wants completely committed followers.
What Grace Baptist Church needs is not more members, no, we need the members who are there to be forever faithful followers. Grace is a place where followers are encouraged to become all Jesus wants them to be without fear of ridicule if you don't quiet measure up. Grace is a place where you can come in as you are and leave changed because of the love and forgiveness of Jesus.

Someone said the greatest fear they had is[I'm afraid I won't live life to the fullest}.My friends if you don't know Jesus as your savior you are truly in danger of not { living life to the fullest}. Jesus said in John 10: 10 I came to give life and give life to the fullest."My translation". May we examine our lives and decide am I living or just existing. I pray the family of God will decide we want to be a true followers and not just a Sunday morning Christian.