Articles of Faith

The Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and is the basis for any statement of faith. The church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of "The Baptist Faith and Message" as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1963. We band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind. The ordinances of the Church are Baptism and The Lord's Supper.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Super Saturday

Today nine of our church leaders went down to Lexington for a Southern Baptist church training day called Super Saturday held at Immanuel Baptist Church. One thing that I have learned about the SBC is that they know how to put together a great training conference. (Now, whether or not you put it to use in your church is up to you.) The hardest part about going to these conferences is just praying and deciding what classes God would have you take. There were three different sessions throughout the day, with almost 30 different classes to choose from in each session. Everything from church finances, leadership, Sunday School, pastoral ministry all the way to how to witness to ghost hunters was offered. A continental breakfast was served as well as a full hot meal for lunch. There was even a Lifeway bookstore set up for students to peruse during breaks.

My wife Sandy and I took our first class together, which was Membership Matters, by Dr. Chuck Lawless. Dr. Lawless is the Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. The class was about assimilating new members into the church in order to retain them. This seems to be a problem at every church...someone get's saved, baptized and is on-fire for the Lord. Then in a few months they are nowhere to be found. This has to be one of the most disappointing occurrences for any church. Why do they leave?? That is what Dr. Lawless attempted to expound upon during his 2hr and 15min class. In a nutshell....they don't know what they are supposed to do as new Christians and church members. That is hard for us to understand, but they don't just learn the ropes by coming to worship service on Sunday mornings. They need to be 'plugged in' and told expectations as church members. We have to build a relationship with them, especially the senior pastor. They need to feel like they belong to the church and are an important part of the body, "for as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function" Romans 12:4. Most of this can be done through a new members class, and through the cooperation of the church members. Of course, Dr. Lawless covered this information in much more detail with clear and concise explanations. If you are interested, like I am, you can pick up his book "Membership Matters" from the bookstore.

I'm sure there are many other stories from other members we can share later, but for now I am just excited to put some of this great training to use at Grace Baptist Church. Lord, thank you for your grace and patience with me as I try to grow in You. Amen.


  1. I really do like this post. This is even a problem here (Clear Creek) in the Bible belt of KY. Yes, I do believe that a New Member class would be great. I just wonder What if the new member is like so many others and thinks Sunday School class is just for children and old people. We as the whole body of Christ need to get up and act like people that are walking in victory. Call these new converts and encourage them (JC Stamper has said it all in a nut shell be example by example) We need to be the Salt and Light of the Earth and let others see us. Call these new converts stop bye and see them start a small group. Lets get up and act like our God is real. Lets start doing going sending missionaries around the world but start at your Jerusalem. (your Community)and fulfill the Great Commission We all get up and talk about missionaries but ask yourself what are you doing to support or be the missionary of your Church.
    Just pray for one another get out and tell people about Jesus and support our (SBC) Missionaries

  2. You are right on track Willie,We are ever learning but not going with the knowledge we have.I believe we will be held responsable for the resources, abality,and yes,the knowledge we have aquired. God help us to put feet to our PRAYERS, and KNOWLEDGE he has given us to work for HIM.
